
Invite to one's side men of wisdom and Valor

時間:2018-03-31 13:15:00
Recruitment position:
Age requirement:
20 to 35 years old
Academic requirements:
Bachelor degree or above
Number of recruits:
1 person
Job requirements:
More than 3 years working experience. Responsibilities: Lead the region to achieve various marketing targets. According to the market conditions, can independently plan and formulate market strategies and plans, and specific strong independent execution ability, to ensure that the company's tasks and plans are achieved; responsible for the daily marketing and marketing team building in the region. Qualifications: more than 5 years of marketing experience, at least 3 years of peer-related experience; integrity, meticulous and rigorous work, with a high degree of enthusiasm and responsibility, able to withstand greater work pressure; good language expression and communication skills, with a strong ability to solve problems independently and not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tired dedication; good teamwork Spirit, subject to the company's task allocation, and have the confidence and determination to do everything possible to meet the target.
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